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Abbildung des Buches "Die Sonne in dir" von vorne und hinten vor einem beigen Hintergrund mit goldenen Lichtreflexen, mit verweis auf SPIEGEL Besteller Platz 1 Auszeichnung

1st Place in the SPIEGEL Bestseller Charts for "Die Sonne in dir" by Vanessa Göcking


Vanessa Göcking has done it! Her new book "Die Sonne in dir" has reached number 1 in the SPIEGEL bestseller charts. What a great success!

"Die Sonne in dir " is volume 1 of the "Glücksgeschichten" series and accompanies you on the path to discovering inner happiness, strengthens self-love and brings the practice of mindfulness closer.

It is the author's second book and also her second SPIEGEL bestseller.

Congratulations dear Vanessa - we are very happy for you!

"Die Sonne in dir" is available from Amazon and all bookshops.