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Nova MD News

Die besten Bücher aus dem Jahr 2021 wurden von tausenden Leser gewählt und darunter haben es 6 Bücher von Nova MD geschafft.

Thousands of readers have decided which books will receive the Readers' Prize 2021. Among the prize winners are two Nova MD authors and two Kampenwand Verlag authors, who won the following (6 in total) places:

Prize Winner Entertainment:
#11 Phoebe & Layla by Uwe Krauser

Prize winner children's books:
#9 Rosalie by Uwe Krauser

Prize winner romance novels:...

Schauspielerin und Food-Bloggerin Janina Uhse schafft es mit ihrem vegetarischen Kochbuch "I love Veggie" auf Anhieb in die Spiegel-Bestseller-Liste auf Platz 18!

Actress and food blogger Janina Uhse made it straight to the Spiegel bestseller list with her vegetarian cookbook! The Spiegel bestseller list of November 24th, 2021 proves it: a lot of love, expertise, a motivated team and commitment pay off. With "I LOVE VEGGIE" the actress and food blogger Janina Uhse presented her second self-published cookbook on October 19th, 2021. And it made it onto the Spiegel bestseller list straight away.<...

Über 20 Nova Bücher auf der Longlist der Nominierungen für den Lovelybooks Lesepreis 2021

Every year, the LovelyBooks Leserpreis honors the best new publications of the year in 14 categories. We are all the more pleased that more than 20 Nova books made it onto the longlist:

Phoebe & Layla - Uwe Krauser

Love Stories:
Wild Cre...

Vier Nova-Bücher im Finale der Skoutz Awards 2021: Tease and Please, Wir sind für die Ewigkeit, 17 Jahre. Ohne mich. Mit dir., Emotiondancer

Skoutz Award 2021: Four Nova books in the final!

We are delighted that four authors have made it onto the shortlist for this year's Skoutz Awards:

Tease & Please - Liberated and Ready
Bad Boys in a Hot Club by Philippa L. Andersson (SP)

We Are for Eternity - Hope
Family saga set against the background of the civil war and Franco dictatorship in Spain by Astrid Töpfner (SP)

Netflix verfilmt Buchreihe von Autorin Marah Woolf

Marah Woolf has achieved what many authors dream of! A film adaptation of her books by the US streaming provider Netflix!

Producer Nina Maag

Schauspielerin und Food-Bloggerin Janina Uhse launcht vegetarisches Kochbuch | Vertrieb exklusiv durch Nova MD

After the bestseller “Meine Glücklichküche”, actress and food blogger Janina Uhse will be presenting „I Love Veggie“, her second Continue reading ...

"10 Stories of life" und "Nurias Tanz" auf der Longlist 2021 des Selfpublishing Buchpreis

We are very proud that our authors Tara Riedmann and Stefanie Hohn have made it onto the 2021 longlist of the German Selfpublishing Book Prize with their books. They prevailed against an incredible 1,138 books submitted. We are very curious to see whether "10 STORIES of life" and "Nurias Tanz" will make it.


Bewirb Dich für den Selfpublishing-Buchpreis 2021

From May 1 to May 31, 2021, you can apply for the Selfpublishing Book Award 2021 in the following categories:

• Fiction
• Nonfiction/Guidebooks
• Children's and youth book
• Poetry (special prize)

You can find all information and conditions of participation directly on the website of t...

Meditationsbuch "Suki meditiert" für Kinder von Aljoscha Long & Ronald Schweppe

The authors Aljoscha Long and Ronald Schweppe, known for their bestseller "Die 7 Geheimnisse der Schildkröte. Den Alltag entschleunigen, das Leben entdecken", also have the mission to make children relate to this theme.

Together they have published the world's shortest meditation guide through the Kampenwand Verlag publishing company: "Suki meditiert" is a lovingly designed children's book about a ...

"Orient trifft vegan" Platz 8 der SPIEGEL Bestseller Charts

This week, the cookbook "Orient meets vegan" by Serayi (published by GrünerSinn-Verlag) entered the SPIEGEL Bestseller Charts at number 8.
