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Nova MD News

"MAKE TODAY BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE" ist der Leitfaden des neuen Albums "TODAY" von More Than Words.

"MAKE TODAY BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE" is the guiding principle of More Than Words' new album "TODAY."
After the great success of the debut album "Home", which was #1 in the AMAZON Country Charts for 10 weeks, the "FIRST PATCHWORK COUNTRY ROCK BAND IN THE WORLD" now follows up.

Now available digitally and physically in stores - exclusively distributed by Nova MD and feiyr! <...

Seit über 27 Wochen hält sich „Mollys wundersame Reise“ von Nova Autorin Anna Kupka in den Bestseller Charts, unter anderem den Spiegel Bestsellern!

For over 27 weeks, "Molly's wundersame Reise" by Nova author Anna Kupka has remained in the bestseller charts, including the Spiegel bestsellers!

Written with sensitivity and empathy, "Molly's wundersame Reise" leads readers in a short time to the magical place that lies deep within them, just waiting to be discovered. Unique in its transformative effect on readers of all ages, "Molly's wu...

Das neue Kinderbuch „Blumen im Kopf. Opa Günther pflanzt gute Gedanken“ der diplomierten Grafikdesignerin Lisa Wirth ist diese Woche auf Platz 1 der Amazon Bestseller Charts eingestiegen!

The new children's book "Blumen im Kopf. Opa Günther pflanzt gute Gedanken" by qualified graphic designer Lisa Wirth entered the Amazon bestseller charts at number 1 this week!

With her "Stay Inspired" brand, Lisa Wirth keeps conjuring up enchanting products for young and old! Distributed exclusively by Nova MD.

Congratulations on this great success!

Ulla Kock am Brink , eine der wohl bekanntesten, deutschen TV-Moderatorinnen erzählt endlich ihr Leben

Ulla Kock am Brink, one of the most famous German TV presenters, finally tells her life story. Her wild Pippi Longstocking childhood in the Ruhr region of the 1970s and the peculiarities of a middle-class family in Bottrop unfold before the reader's inner eye, rich in imagery and detail. Kock am Brink also vividly portrays the search for her own identity and her first steps outside the family in the areas of education and work, and above ...

Die neue Feiyr App für Smartphones hat auch für unsere Nova-Kunden viele Vorteile und praktische Funktionen. Nachdem du deinem Gerät den Zugriff auf den Feiyr Account gestattet hast, kannst du die App auch wie gewohnt auf dem Home Screen deines Smartphone

The new Feiyr app for smartphones has many advantages and practical features also for our Nova customers:

- Physical sales: total sales per title, commission deliveries, returns, promos, and current inventory can be viewed at one glance

- Delivery approval: Orders can be conveniently requested via the app

- Returns requests can also be processed via the app

- Write support messages: You can n...

Die Bewerbungsphase für den Selfpublishing-Buchpreis 2022 beginnt! Vom 1. Mai bis 31. Mai haben Autoren und Autorinnen die Möglichkeit, sich mit ihrem Buch zu bewerben.

The Selfpublishing Book Prize, which is endowed with a total of 30,000 euros, is entering its 3rd edition this year. From the 1st of May (and until the 31st of May), self-publishers can submit their books for the prize. This is possible in four categories:

- Fiction
- Children's and youth book
- Non-fiction/guidebooks
- Special prize short prose works: short stories or anthologies

The aim...

Autorin Marah Woolf platziert sich diese Woche auf Platz 7 der SPIEGEL-Bestsellerliste Hardcover Belletristik mit ihrem neuen Buch „Krone aus Asche“ aus der "Atlantis-Chroniken" Trilogie!

Author Marah Woolf comes in 7th place in this weeks SPIEGEL bestseller charts for hardcover fiction with her new book "Crown of Ashes" from the "Atlantis Chronicles" trilogy!
"Crown of Ashes" is Marah Woolf's 40th title and, just like the two previous titles in the Atlantis Chronicles, is distributed exclusively by Nova MD.

The entire Nova MD team congratulates Marah Woolf on this new aw...

Autor Ruprecht Frieling ist mit seinem Autoren-Ratgeber „Ich habe ein Buch geschrieben – Was nun“ in der Kategorie „Business Bestseller des Jahres 2022“ für den Tiger Award nominiert worden.

Author Ruprecht Frieling has been nominated for the Tiger Award in the category "Business Bestseller of the Year 2022" with his guidebook for authors "Ich habe ein Buch geschrieben - Was nun".
The book is part of his successful guidebook series for authors. It was published last year in a new edition by Kampenwand Verlag and is distributed exclusively by Nova MD.

We congratulate Ruprecht Frieling and a...

Autorin Anna Kupka wurde mit ihrem Buch "Mollys wundersame Reise" mit dem Spiegel Bestseller ausgezeichnet.

"The little book for big insights. It was meant to be a book for children ... and became a favourite among adults", that's how Nova author Anna Kupka describes her bestseller "Mollys wundersame Reise", which made it into the top 20 of the Spiegel Besteller charts in the "non-fiction/pocketbook" section.

Written with sensitivity and empathy, "Mollys wundersame Reise" leads readers in ...

Optimiere jetzt Deinen VLB-TIX-Eintrag für den Buchhandel über das neue Tool in Deinem Feiyr Account!

Reach up to 10,000 users and bookshops via the VLB-Tix!

What is the VLB Tix?

VLB-TIX is the central communication platform with the book trade, through which we make all title-relevant information available.

You can use the VLB-TIX to present your novelties, give them better visibility and market them optimally. That's why the VLB-TIX is the perfect marketing tool to address booksellers and giv...