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Nova MD News

Ankündigung Nova MD bei der Buchmesse Frankfurt mit Bildern von vergangener Messe

From the 18th - 22nd of October 2023, the Frankfurt Book Fair will open its doors for the 75th time. We will also be there with a booth and look forward to an exciting exchange with authors and publishers.

Visit us in person at our stand D14 in Hall 3 or make an appointment in advance with your contact person or via info@novamd.de...

Buchcover "Catch the Billions, Baby!" mit Hinweis auf Sommerbestseller by Media Control Auszeichnung

This year's Media Control Summer Bestseller 2023 went to J. S. Wonda's "Catch the Billions, Baby!".
Another great success for the SPIEGEL bestselling author, known for her dark romance series "Very Bad Kings".

The book was already a SPIEGEL bestseller in July and placed on the #BookTok bestseller list....

Buchcover WiccaCreed: Schuld und Sünde mit 1. Platz Spiegel Bestseller und Bild Bestseller Auszeichnung

Marah Woolf has done it! Her new fantasy novel "WiccaCreed: Schuld & Sünde" is number 1 in the SPIEGEL and BILD bestseller charts!

After the first volume of the series, "WiccaCreed : Zeichen & Omen", already reached SPIEGEL bestseller status, the new volume has now gone straight to number 1 on the renowned bestseller list.

This is the 11th SPIEGEL bestseller for the author!

Cover von "Very Bad Kings" und "Catch the Billions, Baby!"

J. S. Wonda's books "Very Bad Kings" and "Catch the Billions, Baby!" have made it on to the #BookTok bestseller list for the month of July! Congratulations!

"Very Bad Kings" was placed 12th and "Catch the Billions, ...

Buchcover Bastards von J. S. Wonda mit Spiegel-Bestseller Auszeichnung

J. S. Wonda's latest book "Bastards" has also made it into the SPIEGEL bestseller charts and went straight to number 2 on the renowned bestseller list!

It is the sixth SPIEGEL bestseller for the dark romance author and we couldn't be prouder of this great achievement!
Congratulations dear Jane, may many more follow!

" Continue reading ...

Im aktuellen Erfolgskurs hat das Buch "Catch the Billions, Baby!" von J. S. Wonda einen beeindruckenden Meilenstein erreicht. Platz 3 in der Spiegel Besteller Liste!

In the current run of success, the book "Catch the Billions, Baby!" by J. S. Wonda has reached an impressive milestone by instantly taking third place in the renowned Spiegel bestseller charts. As a distributor, we are overwhelmed and incredibly proud of this exceptional book and the author's outstanding achievement.

The positive response and growing fan base around " Catch the Billions, Baby!" are a rew...

Buchcover "Almfrieden" mit Hinweis auf 11. Platz beim Themenbestseller des Buchreports

Last week "Almfrieden" by Kerstin Riemer and Carina Pilz, published by Kampenwand Verlag, made it onto the Bo...

Buchcover Blumen im Kopf mit Spiegel Bestseller Auszeichnung

Lisa Wirth has made it! With her children's book "Blumen im Kopf. Opa Günther pflanzt gute Gedanken" the author has snatched her first Spiegel bestseller!

"Blumen im Kopf. Opa Günther pflanzt gute Gedanken" is an enchanting children's book about the power of thoughts. A children's book that also give...

Ankündigung Besuch von Nova MD bei Leipziger Buchmesse

From the 27th to the 30th of April, the Leipzig Book Fair opens its doors. We will also be present with a booth and look forward to an exciting exchange with authors and publishers.

You are welcome to visit us in person at our stand A206 in Hall 5 or make an appointment in advance with your contact person or via info@novamd.de...

Buchcover Very Bad Kings Elite und Very Bad Sinners mit Spiegelbestseller Auszeichnung

Once again it's time to congratulate J. S. Wonda on two more Spiegel Bestsellers for her "Very Bad Kings" series!

With the eighth volume "Very Bad Sinners" she went straight to number 2 in the charts this week. What a terrific success!
The second volume "Very Bad Elite" has now also made it to number 19 and thus rightly snatched up another Spiegel Bestseller.
