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Nova MD News

Bekanntgabe SPIEGEL-Bestseller für "Secrets and Seduction" von Bianca Mov mit Abbildung des Buches vor goldenem Hintergrund

Bianca Mov has achieved the goal of many authors: she has secured a SPIEGEL bestseller!
With her book "Secrets and Seduction", published by Black Edition, she made it to number 18 in the SPIEGEL bestseller charts...

Abbildung des Buches "Die Sonne in dir" von vorne und hinten vor einem beigen Hintergrund mit goldenen Lichtreflexen, mit verweis auf SPIEGEL Besteller Platz 1 Auszeichnung

Vanessa Göcking has done it! Her new book "Die Sonne in dir" has reached number 1 in the SPIEGEL bestseller charts. What a great success!

"Die Sonne in dir " is volume 1 of the "Glücksgeschichten" seri...

Buchcover "Fischbrötchen und Eiskaffee" in einer Glaskuppel mit Bild Bestseller Auszeichnung vor rosa Hintergrund mit goldenem Glitzer

Jane Hell's ‘Fischbrötchen und Eiskaffee’ entered the BILD bestseller charts at number 17 this week.
What a great success!

‘Fischbrötchen und Eiskaffee’ is volume 6 of the ‘Fördeliebe’ series and was published by Kampenwand-Verlag.

Congratulations dear Jane, we are very happy for you!

Buchcover des Buches "Fake Roomie" von Anya Omah mit Verweis auf Platzierung vierter Platz  auf der Booktok Bestsellerliste

Just a few weeks ago, Anya Omah made it onto the SPIEGEL bestseller list with her book "Fake Roomie" - now she's also taken 4th place on the BookTok bestseller list!

Another great success for the SPIEGEL bestselling author and her New Adult novel!
Congratulations dear Anya, we are very happy for ...

Buchcover "Inselglück auf Sylt" mit Bekanntgabe des BILD Bestsellers vor blauem Hintergrund

Julia K. Rodeit's "Inselglück auf Sylt" made it to number 8 in the BILD bestseller charts last week.
What a great success!

"Inselglück auf Sylt" is volume 3 of the "Inselträume auf Sylt" series and was published on the 23rd April 2024.

Congratulations on this great...

Ankündigung Webinar mit Bernhard Hofer zum Thema Effektives Zeitmanagement für Autor*innen mit Foto des Sprechers

Do you dream of writing a novel but never find the time?

Writer Bernhard Hofer shows you, as an author, how you can write a novel in just 12 weeks - despite a full timetable!
In our free webinar, you will learn how you can realise your project with the right mindset, agile writing methods and well thought-o...

Abbildung Buchcover "Fake Roomie" vor türkis-goldenem Hintergrund im Aquarellstiel mit Foto der Autorin sowie Abbildung des SPIEGEL-Bestseller Buttons

"Fake Roomie" by Anya Omah has entered the SPIEGEL bestseller charts at number 3 this week!

"Fake Roomie", a New Adult novel with friends-to-lovers and fake relationship trope, was published on the 09th of April and entered the SPIEGEL bestseller list at number 3 directly in the week of publication....

Cover des Buches "Sinister Rivals" von Alessia Gold mit Spiegel Bestseller Auszeichnung vor goldenem Hintergund

Alessia Gold has achieved the dream of many authors: she has secured the SPIEGEL bestseller!
With her book "Sinister Rivals", published by Federherz Verlag, she made it to number 17 in the SPIEGEL bestsell...

Illustration eines Bücherstapels mit Ankündigung des neuen Tools LovelyBooks

LovelyBooks reading groups have been a popular way for many authors to engage directly with readers and generate reviews for years.
Since the beginning of 2024, reading groups including book raffles or pure book raffles have been subject to a fee on LovelyBooks.
The author receives the credits for this via the publisher or the self-publishing service.

We are pleased to announce that Nova MD is now offering a tool in ...

Ankündigung Webinar mit Janet Zentel und Sandy Mercier zum Thema Newsletter mit Abbildung der beiden

Janet Zentel, AI trainer and founder of the Bookerfly Club and Umsetzungskongress, and Sandy Mercier, BILD bestselling author and book marketing coach, will help you with your newsletter.

Why do you need o...