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For publishers, authors and selfpublishers. We accomplish your whole book distribution, if desired with printing.

Nova MD News

Bestseller Author Virginia Fox Relies on the Service of Nova MD

The Swiss bestseller author Virginia Fox switched book distributor in 2017 and has been working with Nova MD ever since. Virginia Fox, the love story author, has a strong distribution partner on her side

Increase Your Sales on Amazon

Achieve more visibility for your book, audio book or radio play on Amazon in order to boost your sales! Through Nova MD you can easily advertise your books with Amazon Marketing Services so more potential buyers can see your books. Amazon has millions of products and buyers, which makes it hard sometimes to get the attention your book deserves.

You can choose between two options:

Your Book at the Leading Book Fairs

You have already published a book through Nova MD and now you would like to present it to the big audience of the major book fairs in Germany?

As of now you can book your fair presentation!

Your book will be placed on the book shelf of our booth at the book fairs in Frankfurt or Leipzig (Germany) so thousands of visitors can see your title.

What does a fair promotion package inclu...

German Selfpublishing Award 2018 - Sponsored by Nova MD

This year once again the literary prize for the best selfpublished book will be awarded, sponsored by Nova MD. Take the chance and apply for the award, maybe you will be the next award winner of the German Selfpublishing Award 2018. There will be two different awards, one award given by the jury with a pr...

Hummel Holly im Märchenland: The Charity Project by Heiko Baumann

The children's book "Hummel Holly im Märchenland" is part of a charity project which was initiated by Heiko Baumann. In collaboration with the NCL foundation, the children's book author wants to call attention to the illness NCL (Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis or childhood dementia). That is why he published his most recent book &quo...

Drachenmond Verlag: Books with Lifeblood

Astrid Behrendt is author, founder and CEO of the publishing company Drachenmond Verlag. Since her heart has always beaten for books, she started working on her own books from home. Today she has a whole team in her publishing house, that support her as well as all her authors.

Drachenmond Verlag distributes their books and eBooks through...

Boost Your Sales with Attractive Covers for Books, Audio Books and CDs

Your book or CD is almost ready to be released and all you need now is a sharp cover, that is eye-catching for a potential buyer? Our graphic design team @ Nova MD designs unique book covers for authors, selfpublishers and publishing houses, that fit perfectly whether it's a thriller, fantasy novel or romance. Additionally we can also design your eBook or audio book cover as well as advertising material (such as logo, business card, flyer...

Spiegel Bestseller 2018: "Glücksgeschichten" by Biyon Kattilathu

Children are told stories to fall asleep - adults to wake up... Glücksgeschichten (Stories of Happiness) - "20 inspiring stories that have changed my life" by Biyon Kattilathu.

Already shortly after release Biyon Kattilathu managed to rank in the Spiegel-Bestseller charts on #5. Only on 28th April 2018 his latest audio book#BREAK of

Nova MD is now supporting member of the Selfpublisher-Verband

We decided to join the Selfpublisher-Verband as a supporting member to support selfpublishers and respectively our customers and to represent their interests. The organization for independent advocates for their members in many ways:

- lower VAT for eBooks
- cheaper ISBN
- better access to the book industry for indie...

Amazon's "Look Inside" Now For Printbooks

With the help of Look Inside! you can now also display partially the content of your printbook on Amazon.

Imagine: A huge bookstore with millions of books, which allows you to look through every one of them. Amazon wants to help it's readers to discover new books and make sure that they choose the right one.
How much of your book is displayed beforehand is decided by Amazon - it usu...