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Nova MD News

Timatics Debüt-Album "Hyäne"

Germany's best battle rapper Timatic (winner of JuliensBlogBattle 2019) dropped his debut album "Hyäne" as a classic CD as well as a limited box set (with merchandise goodies) on 05.04., exclusively distributed world...

Philippa L. Andersson und J.S. Wonda sind unter den Top 10 Bild-Bestsellern

We congratulate our two self-publishers J.S. Wonda and Philippa L. Andersson on this great success! Both have made it into Continue reading ...

Frank Rosins Magazin "Rosins Fettkampf" ist Bestseller in den Börsenblatt-Charts

Frank Rosin has made it with his magazine "Rosins Fettkampf - Lecker schlank mit Frank Rosin: Das Magazin zur Kabel Eins Sendung" this week to place 18 in the category "healthy nutrition, health guide to nutrition".

Within only a few months Frank Rosin found so much resonance with its diet guide that...

Frank Rosins Low Carb Bibel

After the magazine "Rosins Fettkampf - Lecker schlank mit Frank Rosin" was a huge success, the well-known Michelin-starred chef, together with bpa media Verlag, launched an entire magazine series called "Rosins Low Carb-Bibel".

In the first part of the series, everything revolves around the basics of the topic: The best ingredients, ravenous appetite traps and exchange possibi...

GrünerSinn-Verlag, Vegan Verlag Karo Kelc

We are very pleased to announce that we have recently been able to take over the distribution of the GrünerSinn-Verlag. Owner and founder Karo Kelc, who founded her publishing house in 2013, pursues a very special mission:

Books that inspire... because they are fresh, charming and a little different –

and veg...

Game of Thrones Magazin, das Special zur finalen Staffel

Spoiler Alert: The special issue Game of Thrones for the final season!
In the big special the GOT fan finds all important information of the 8th and final season of the epic fantasy series Game of Thrones on 148 pages.

Who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end? The special shows who would have to win from a scientific point of view, for example, whether blue or orange dragon fire is more da...

Magazin "News Stars Gold Edition Karl Lagerfeld - Durch Mode unsterblich: Leben & Schaffen eines Meisters"

White hair tied back to a stern ponytail, high collars, expensive suits, that's how the world knew and loved Karl Lagerfeld. At the age of 85, the fashion czar died in Paris, leaving a big hole in the fashion world. The New Stars Gold Edition Karl Lagerfeld magazine is dedicated to the life and work of Emperor Karl on 100 pages and takes the reader into the world of Chanel, Fendi and high fashion in which Karl Lagerfeld was at home.

Nova stellt bei der Leipziger Buchmesse 2019 aus

We are already in the midst of preparations for the Leipzig Book Fair and are looking forward to all the great encounters and conversations.

Do we already know each other personally? Or would you like to discuss your new project with us? Then get in touch with us and we will arrange an appointment so that we can fin...

Christiane F. von "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" veröffentlicht Autobiografie "Christiane F. - Mein zweites Leben"

Everyone knows her. The drug-addicted girl Christiane F. from Berlin. Vera Christiane Felscherinow, known as Christiane F. from the book and film "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo", wrote her autobiography "Christiane F. - Mein zweites Leben" 35 years later. Her book is not only her biography but also the continuation of the bestseller "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo".


Backbuch "Vegan backen mit Kathi Kuhlmann"

TV star Katharina Kuhlmann has not only published her first vegan baking book "Vegan backen mit Kathi Kuhlmann", but she can also officially call herself Germany's first vegan confectioner.

Kathi Kuhlmann - is most known as Miss Tuning or from TV shows like Tuning TV, TV Total, taff, or das perfekte Promi Dinner. Since...