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Nova MD News

Das Magazin zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum von Depeche Mode

After over 100 million records sold and 40 years, Depeche Mode is still on everyone's lips. Their last Global Spirit tour broke records and earned 187 million US dollars.

On occasion of the 40th anniversary of the British band Depeche Mode, the magazine is now available. All members of the band are introduced, and insights into there privat live are revealed.

Buch- und Musikvertrieb Nova MD feiert 20-jähriges Jubiläum

20 years of Nova MD - 20 years of progress, expertise and competence. Nova MD was founded in 1999 as a music distributor and has grown by 450% since its takeover by owner and CEO Armin Wirth in 2016.

The Chiemsee based distribution company is always looking for new ways and innovations to offer its customers the optimal sales package. The sales programme has been expanded and now, in addition to classical music CDs, the portfoli...

Zwei Nova-Titel in den Bild Bestseller-Charts

Again, two titles from the Nova sales program have made it into the picture bestseller charts:

Jule Pieper has been in the charts for over 10 weeks with her "Das Buch deines Lebens". She even made it into the top 10 to 6th place.
Virginia Fox has also made it into the charts with her latest book from the Rocky Mountain series "Rocky Mountain Moon" on the 15th place.

We are very h...

neues Magazin von TV-Ärztin Franziska Rubin

After four years the well-known German TV doctor Dr. Franziska Rubin has returned from Australia and has taken home old healing secrets and almost lost knowledge of the indigenous people of Australia.

What do they do differently when eating, doing sports, sleeping, working, interacting with each other, which medicinal herbs do they use (most of them we have too) and how do they survive all the wild animals, the burning sun and ...

Clara Louises neues Buch "Zurück zum alten Kirschbaum" landet in den Spiegel-Bestseller-Charts

Musician and poet Clara Louise has already had a phenomenal success with her first volume of poetry "Von verlassenen Träumen und einem leichteren Morgen". Since the beginning of September, her latest book, "Zurück zum alten Kirschbaum", has been on the market and already made it to number 27 in the Spiegel bestseller charts.

Nova MD bei der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019

In less than a month the Frankfurt Book Fair will begin! We are already looking forward to all the encounters and conversations.

Are you also in Frankfurt and would like to meet us?
Then visit us from 16th to 20th October at our booth C46 in hall 3.0.

If you want to make an appointment, you can contact us in advance. Please contact us:

Philipp Mühlbacher

Rheuma-Bestseller-Autorin Michaela Eberhard

Michaela Eberhard from Graz is a micronutrient coach and bestselling author of three books:

• Die Rheuma-Lüge
• Rheuma adé
• Rheuma verstehen

She herself was diagnosed with rheumatism at the age of 38. With depth and lightness at the same time and her unrestrained will, she achieved great results regarding her health which are impressive. This personal success story is an instruction for an optimal s...

Listung von Büchern im VLB-TIX durch Buchvertrieb Nova MD

Since recently, all books published via Nova MD have been automatically transferred to VLB-TIX. It is THE online platform for communication between publishers and booksellers.

The big advantage:

Booksellers create their assortment on the basis of digital previews, which can be expanded to include additional text, ...

Das neue Buch "#Liebesformel" von Mentalcoach und Transgender-Model Jill Deimel

Transgender model and mental coach Jill Deimel published his first book "#Liebesformel", in which he gives relationship tips. The provocative title does not call for manipulation or control of people, quite the contrary:

In his opinion, there are just as logical and "promising" behavioural guidelines in love as there are...

Jo Bergers neuer Liebesroman "Liebe auf friesisch"

The bestselling author Jo Berger writes fantastic romance novels with heart, humour & happy endings. Her novels are mainly about deep love, a lot of joie de vivre, happiness and strong emotions. But also humor and drama are not neglected in Jo's novels.

We are happy to take over the distribution for Jo Berger. Her latest novel