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Nova MD News

"HOME" das neue Album von More than Words (Stefanie Hertel, Lanny Lanner und Johanna Mross)

MORE THAN WORDS is the band of German singer Stefanie Hertel, daughter Johanna Mross and husband Lanny Lanner. On their debut album you can hear refreshing warmhearted county-rock-pop.

The three have been on stage since last year and were even allowed to accompany Bonnie Tyler on her tour as a special act in 2019. With their debut album HOME, the family band MORE THAN WORDS present their own compositions in the current, modern N...

Lara von Thea Wilk in den Bild-Bestseller-Charts

Just over a month ago THEA WiLK's debut thriller "LARA. der Anfang" was released and immediately made it into the BILD bestseller charts.

THEA WiLK is the thriller pseudonym of bestselling author A.D. WiLK. With her debut romance novel "Wenn du wieder gehst" she also made it into the bestseller charts.

LARA is also currently the No. 1 bestseller on Amazon and has already received almost 1...

Das neue Hörbuch von Erfolgscoach Biyon Kattilathu

On the 28th of April 2020 the new audiobook "Der Rikscha-Fahrer, der das Glück verschenkt" by Spiegel bestselling author Biyon Kattilathu will be published.

Biyon Kattilathu, child of Indian immigrants, is THE motivational entertainer in the digital space. Inspired by his own history, he has conquered the social media stage in a very sh...

Bestseller-Autorin Marah Woolf wechselt zu Nova MD

Marah Woolf has been a bestselling author for years, and has sold over 1 million books/eBooks in total. She has also won many awards, including the first German Indie Author Award.

With her latest book "Fluch der Aphrodite", which will be published on March 6, 2020, Marah Woolf relies on the service of Nova MD. As always, the book...

Nova MD bei der Leipziger Buchmesse 2020

We are already in the midst of preparations for the Leipzig Book Fair and are looking forward to all the great encounters and conversations.

Do we already know each other personally? Or would you like to discuss your new project with us? Then get in touch with us and we will arrange an appointment so that we can find ...

Christian Krömer und Oma Lissi in der Freizeit Revue

The Instagram stars Christian Krömer and his grandmother Lissi are already very popular with their followers. With the cookbook that they published together with Michelle Schrenk, Christian has made his grandmother immortal.

Since the death of his grandfather 10 years ago, Christian visits his grandmother almost every day to spend as much time with her as possible.


Rosins Fettkampf die zweite Staffel: Das Magazin zur TV-Sendung

From 2 January 2020, the time has come again and the second season of "Rosins Fettkampf" with TV chef Frank Rosin begins. Again, two groups compete against each other to drop the pounds.

This time the celebrities Willi Herren and Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum will be on board.

Also this time there will be a magazine for the TV show. The diets are explained, the original recipes from the show are shown and there a...

Die Gewinner des Lovelybooks Leserpreis 2019

Recently, the winners of the Lovelybooks Reader's Prize 2019 were announced and we are very happy that some Nova titles have made it to the top of the list.

Above all, two top titles made it onto the winners' podium:

"Animants Welt" by Lina Rina (published by Drachenmond Verlag) took 1st place for ...

Schauspieler Hans Sigl veröffentlicht eigene Entspannungshörbuch-Reihe

The popular TV star Hans Sigl (since 2008 "Der Bergdoktor" on the German TV channel "ZDF"), together with Dr. Pablo Hagemeyer (specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy), publishes for the first time an entire audiobook series about meditative journeys for body, mind and soul.

Away from the therapeutic corner, the

Das Kochbuch "Immer nur Blödsinn im Kopf" von Christian Krömer und seiner Oma Lisbeth landete in der Bild-Zeitung

Just over a week ago Christian Krömer and his Oma Lisbeth (together with Michelle Schrenk) published their first Franconian cookbook, which guarantees not only yummy food, but also a good mood. Their fans liked the book so ...