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Nova MD News

Der 2. SPIEGEL Bestseller für Marah Woolf

Marah Woolf's 3rd and final volume "Sister of the Night" of the book series "HexenSchwesternSaga" went straight to 6th place in the Spiegel Bestseller Charts, making it the highest new entry of the week.

We congratulate Marah very warmly on this amazing success!

Gewinner des Lovelybooks Leserpreis 2020

Two winners of the Lovelybooks Readers' Prize 2020 also come from Nova MD.

Author Marah Woolf took third place in the category "Fantasy & Science Fiction" with her Spiegel bestseller "Sister of the Stars".
Uwe Krauser won second place in the category "Novels" with "Layla - Heldin auf vier Pfoten".

We congratulate both of them on this great success!

Gewinner des deutschen Selfpublishing-Buchpreis 2020

Our authors Sameena Jehanzeb and Franziska Frey won the German Self-Publishing Book Prize 2020.

"Was Preema nicht weiß" won in the category fiction and "Elise erkunden das Meer" won in the category children's and teenager's books.

We congratulate both from the bottom of our hearts!

Marah Woolf und D.C. Odesza in den Bild-Bestseller-Charts

This week Marah Woolf and D.C. Odesza made it into the "Bild" bestseller charts.

"Sister of the Moon" by Marah Woolf landed on the great 2nd place.
"Dark Sky Glow" by D.C. Odesza is currently at number 17.

Children's Audio Book with Star Cast

What unites actor and comedy legend Dieter Hallervorden and rock star, "In Extremo" singer Michael Robert Rhein? Their love for fairy tales. This year, they are together on the cast list for the newly published, modern radio play classic "Das tapfere Schneiderlein", with which the Wunderhaus Verlag is celebrating its premiere at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the 16th of October 2020.

With its own product...

Das neue Kochbuch von Bettina Meiselbach "Powergemüse Kürbis"

It is time that a new cookbook creatively showcased the qualities of pumpkin in 60 recipes and that these are presented in a carbohydrate-reduced form, without refined sugar, free of wheat and largely soya-free.

In addition, there is a whole range of information about the pumpkin and practical tips on how healthy eating can be implemented in a very uncomplicated way. The book "Powergemüse Kürbis - Fit und gesund durch den ...

Jule Pieper ist mit "das Buch deines Lebens" zum zweiten Mal Bild-Bestseller

Almost exactly one year ago, the advice novel "das Buch deines Lebens" by Jule Pieper (Sandy Mercier's pseudonym) was published and was able to stay in the Bild bestseller charts for 4 months.

One year later, "das Buch deines Lebens" made it back into the bestseller charts at number 15.

Congratulations, Jule!

Die zwei von der Talkstelle im Gespräch mit Nova MD

Nova MD in Talk with author Tamara Leonhard and Vera Nentwich, cabaret artist, author and part of the German Selfpublisher Association (Selfpublisher Verband). You don't know us well yet and want to get a comprehensive overview of our services? Then you hav...

Spiegel-Bestseller "Sister of the Stars" von Marah Woolf

Wow! On June 20th the new novel "Sister of the Stars" by Marah Woolf was published and already last week she made it to number 17 of the Spiegel bestseller charts with her book.

Congratulations, Marah!

Das neue Magazin der "Wölkchenbäckerei"

The new magazine: "Back dich schlank" was developed together with the Wölkchenbäckerei and the bpa publishing house.

An exquisite selection of delicious recipes for bread, cakes, pastries and other treats seduces our readers to feast and enjoy without regrets.

Dana exclusively tells us tips ...