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Nova MD News

Bekanntgabe SPIEGEL Bestseller "Fallen" von J. S. Wonda mit

J.S. Wonda's latest book "Fallen" has once again delighted readers and secured a place on the SPIEGEL bestseller list! The complete edition of her Fallen series entered at number 8.

It is already the 12th SPIEGEL bestseller for the author - what a great success!

Congratulations dear Jane!

All books by Continue reading ...

Bekanntgabe Nominierungen für den TikTok Book Award: Longlist - Abbildung als Text auf petrolfarbenen Hintergrund

The TikTok Book Award will be presented for the second time this year as part of the Frankfurt Book Fair.
This year, for the first time, the prize will be awarded for the entire DACH region in six categories and honors the most popular and successful authors, books, creators, content, bookstores and publishers in the #BookTok community in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The longlist has already been announced, and thre...

Ankündigung Frankfurter Buchmesse mit Abbildung des Messestands

We are looking forward to the upcoming highlight with great anticipation: The Frankfurt Book Fair is just around the corner! From the 16th to the 20th of October 2024, we will once again be represented with a booth and look...

Bekanntgabe SPIEGEL-Bestseller für für "Dark Royalty", "Darkside 1" & "Observed" mit Abbildung der Cover vor grauem glitzerndem Hintergrund

Something very special happened this week - three of our authors entered the SPIEGEL Bestseller Chats at the same time, in their publication week. What a wonderful success!

J. S. Wonda entered at number 8 with ‘Dark Royalty’. Katelyn Erikson came in at number 13 with ‘ Continue reading ...

BILD Bestseller Bekanntgabe für "Dreamcatcher: Königreiche der Nacht" mit Abbildung des Covers vor glitzerndem Hintergrund

Juliane Maibach's ‘Dreamcatcher: Königreiche der Nacht’ has entered the BILD-Bestsellercharts at number 14. What a great success!

‘Dreamcatcher: Königreiche der Nacht’ is volume 1 of the “Dreamcatcher” series and was published by Kampenwan...

Bekanntgabe SPIEGEL-Bestseller für "Pupetta" von Isabelle Herzog mit Darstellungen des Buches vor goldenem Hintergund

Isabelle Herzog has secured herself a SPIEGEL bestseller!
With her book ‘Pupetta’, published by Black Edition, she has entered the SPIEGEL bestseller charts at number 13. This week the title is already at numb...

SPIEGEL & BILD Bestseller für Die Wortweberin - Geheimnisse und Glut Darstellung des Covers und der Auszeichnung

Elvira Zeißler receives her first SPIEGEL bestseller this week with "Die Wortweberin - Geheimnisse und Glut"! A great success for the fantasy author.

"Die Wortweberin - Geheimnisse und Glut" is volume two of the thrilling romantasy saga full of secrets and magic and entered the SPIEGEL bestseller chart...

Buch Cover Inselküsse auf Sylt mit BILD Bestseller Auszeichnung innerhalb einer Glass Kuppel vor Lila Hintergrund.

Julia K. Rodeit was able to get a BILD bestseller last week with her new novel "Inselküsse auf Sylt", published by Kampenwand Verlag!

Congratulations on this success Julia!

"Inselküsse auf Sylt" is volume 4 of the "Inselträume auf Sylt" series. A feel-good novel with summer, sun and the chance of great love.

All books by Continue reading ...

Ankündigung SPIEGEL Bestseller für Dark Desire von J. S. Wonda mit Abbildung des Covers sowie der Autorin vor goldenem Hintergrund

The second volume of the Royal series ‘Dark Desire’ by J. S. Wonda was released last week and went straight into the SPIEGEL bestseller charts, securing the author her 10th SPIEGEL bestseller in total!

What a great success!

Congratulations dear Jane!

All books by J. S. Wonda are available at

Bekanntgabe SPIEGEL-Bestseller und BILD-Bestseller für Marah Woolfs "House of Eternity" mit Abbildung des Covers

Last week, the first volume of Marah Woolf's new Zodiac Chronicles series was published: ‘House of Eternity’

The series opener, which has been eagerly awaited by readers, has already achieved great success in its launch week, reaching number 2 on the SPIEGEL bestseller list and number 6 on the BILD bestseller list.

This is already the 13th SPIEGEL bestseller for the successful author!
