• Book Distribution
  • Publisher Delivery

Request Distribution Agreement

Please fill in the following fields so that we can get a better idea of you as an author or as a publisher*.

* A publisher is not a prerequisite for using our distribution service; you can also distribute your books through us as a self-publisher.

Basic Information

Have you already released a book?

Are your publications already visibible on Amazon or any other store?

For which of your books are you looking for a distributor service?

Have you already worked with a publisher?


Social Media

Address Data

Dateien Upload

So that we can get a complete picture of your book(s), we would like to ask you to provide us with a few files to view your books. Especially your cover, reading samples or interior views are very helpful for us. You are welcome to provide us with these as PDF or jpg files. You can upload multiple files by clicking on the ‘+’ sign.
Please note that we will treat your files confidentially and only use them for an internal review of your titles.

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