• Book Distribution
  • Publisher Delivery

Request Distribution Agreement

Please fill in the following fields so that we can get a better idea of you as an author or as a publisher*.

* A publisher is not a prerequisite for using our distribution service; you can also distribute your books through us as a self-publisher.

Basic Information

Have you already released a book?

Are your publications already visibible on Amazon or any other store?

For which of your books are you looking for a distributor service?

Have you already worked with a publisher?


Social Media

Address Data

Dateien Upload

So that we can get a good overview of your book(s), we would like to ask you to provide us with a few files to view your books. Especially helpful for us are

• cover
• Reading sample, interior view

You are welcome to provide us with these as PDF or jpg files. You can upload multiple files by clicking on the “+” sign.

Please note that we will of course treat your files confidentially and only use them for an internal discussion of your titles.

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